Monday, May 7, 2012

Look to the Future, Leah Harlow

Look to the future
Detach from the past
Let the people go
Start a new this time
Look to the future
Love like it’ll last
Dream like it’s forever
No move envy
Look to the future
Have the star life
Learn from others
Take it in
Look to the future
Be proud with yourself
No more lies
No more disguises
Look to the future
Solve the unresolved
Be someone’s firefly
Stop living for yourself
Look to the future
Be the person
You dream to be
Stop fantasizing
Look to the future
It’s only gets brighter
From here on out
Detach from the past
Look to the future

This was the poem I used for my video. I chose this poem because I liked the message: look to the future. In life, we constantly dwell on the the past, obsessing over mistakes and regrets. However, because life is so short, we have no time to do this. The future is what we work for and holds all our dreams and success. In this time of our lives, the future consumes our daily life. College is the gateway to our future. Sometimes, I feel like I think about the future more than I do of the past. Maybe I should look to the present instead.

-Stephanie Kim


  1. This is a very positive poem. I really like how it inspires to look ahead and leave the past in the past. It encourages the reader to do better overall in life and live a more positive life.

    -Debby T

  2. I really like this poem. Although it's better to focus on the future rather than the past, I think it's more important to focus on the present. I think that aspiring for the future is great and people should have a plan for the future but many times people forget to focus on the present and really enjoy it.
    Irene S.

  3. Stephanie I really like the poem you chose for the collaboration video! With graduation in just less than a couple weeks it holds such an optimistic perspective on life, telling people to look forward and focus on bigger goals and almost indulge themselves in life while still holding onto humility. After leaving high school and carrying with us the wide variety of memories, it's only natural that as graduates we should move forward with a positive mindset and not worrying about the past so much. This poem gives people hope about the future, and some relief over the past. I totally enjoyed this! Thank you for sharing it with the class!

    -Carleen R

  4. This poem is perfect for graduation. As we have grown, we have become attached. Now that it is time to move on we must "Detach from the past/ Let people go."
    To put it plainly, it's time to start completely over.
    Toni g

  5. Hi, Stephanie! I like this poem, but I do disagree with it to a certain extent. I believe reflecting on the past--even if it does include mistakes, regrets, etc.--is a great, constructive tool we can use to plan and execute our future. Don't get me wrong. One definitely shouldn't live in the past. However, you can't pretend that it never existed.

    -Christopher Lee
