Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wintergirls #2

Sorry for the late update. There has apparently been some confusion since I didn't spend much time writing the last post. Cassie started seeing Lia, like if someone was seeing a ghost. She talked to her often and even played crosswords with her. At times I really believed that Cassie was seeing her, but then had to question myself since Cassie was at such a vulnerable state. I think Anderson incorporated this just to show how stressful and overwhelming it is to go through what Cassie is going through.

In the end, we are forced to make up our minds through two polar perspectives. 1. Cold Society: "We can't believe that a mentally unstable person was actually seeing her dead friend." 2. Naive Crazy Person: "She was seeing her. It was real. But what's the point? No one will believe me."

-Stephanie Kim

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